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Past Events

  • Study Trip to Vienna
    Study Trip to Vienna
    zo 10 nov
    Unforgettable trip for creating lifelong memories within the IE community and visiting one of Europe's most wonderful capitals in the most original and sustainable way!
  • Band open rehearsal
    Band open rehearsal
    vr 04 okt
    Still needed: second guitar, percussion, solo instruments(flute, sax, trumpet, trombone etc.), and other creative ideas
  • IE Mixer
    IE Mixer
    wo 18 sep
    🍻Next week Shift and the mentors are organizing a 1st-2nd year IE mixer! All PhD students and everyone else who is still studying is very much welcome to join as well.🍻
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IESA Shift

Einsteinweg 2

2333 CC Leiden

KvK : 51812975

IBAN: NL92 SNSB 0339 5868 69

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Website development

Stefano Ghirlandi

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